There is a New Deacon in Town form the West of Trinidad.

The pictures of newly ordained deacon Rev. Matthew Martinez OP. The ordination was officiated by the Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Diarmuid Martin. The Irish Dominican friars here in Trinidad and Tobago rejoice over this our brother on reching thus far. He was ordained to the diaconate in Saint Saviour's Dominican church, Dominick Street in Dublin. The ordaining prelate was Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin. Our brothers were joined by many friars of the province, families and friends, representatives of the Dominican family in Ireland and local parishioners from the Dominick Street area to witness the joyful liturgy.

These are some pictures of the diaconate ordination of  ReCongartulations.


Sean said…
I am interested to know where this young man went to school.... Which school/schools are preparing our young men for the priesthood. I have always found the Dominicans well organised in this field.

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