New Prior for Holy Cross

fr. Ferdinand Warner OP
The Dominican Community of Holy Cross Priory, Calvary Hill, Arima which was founded as a house in 1963 has a new prior. The new prior named is fr. Ferdinand Warner OP. He is fondly known to those around him as Fr. Fedi. He was born on 6th January, 1964 in the most southern part of Trinidad called Cedros. He is the last of seven children. He entered the Dominican Order on 15th September, 1986 and was ordained on 22nd June, 1997.

Fr. Warner served in many parishes here in Trinidad as parish priest, such as: St. Joseph, Curepe, and Santa Rosa. He was the promoter for Justice and Peace for the Caribbean and Latin America. He was the president of the conference of Dominican Fathers in the Caribbean.

Currently there are three friars and one layman living at the priory. They are: fr. Matthew Ahye OP, fr Urban Hudlin OP (who is on study leave), fr Dwight Black OP. The familiaris Mr. Aubert Geoffry (Br. Navis) .

We at Dominican Vocation of  Trinbago welcome fr. Warner OP and wish him God's blessings in his new assignment. He would take up this appointment on 2nd May, 2016.
Holy Cross Priory, Calvary Hill, Arima.


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