The Birth of The Chalice (Vultus Christi)

Come All Those Who are Thirsty.
Come All Those Who are Hungry.

Today is Holy Thursday or what in ancient time was called the birth of the Chalice (Vultus Chirsti). What a marvelous of the marriage fest of the Jesus, who is God to the church.

The birth of the chalice rememines of the wedding feast in Cana. Where as it were Mary (the church intercedes on behalf of her sons and daughter for the new wine. The new wine that allows us to passover from shame to gladness.

Today we than Jesus for His institution of the Eucharist fest where:

“For us, no boasting,
but in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who is health and life and resurrection to us,
by whom we are saved and set free (cf. Gal 6L14).

We also thank God today for the institution of the Holy Priesthood for which the birth of the chalice God gives real food to God's people.

What a day of true thanksgiving and praise.


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