Local Catholic Church In Barbados records milestone


By Kerri Gooding

History was made yesterday as Barbadian Sister Cheryl Cumberbatch, took her final vows and was presented to her community – the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny, her family, friends and well-wishers. This was the first time for such a ceremony to be observed for a Barbadian in many years.
As part of making her final vows Sister Cheryl Cumberbatch signed documents of her Profession along with Bishop Jason Gordon.

The Perpetual Profession of Sister Cheryl Cumberbatch was held at her parish, Our Lady Queen of the Universe Catholic Church in Black Rock under Celebrant Bishop Jason Gordon. 

Thirteen Sisters from the St. Joseph of Cluny community received Sister Cheryl with warm embraces as she pledged to be resolute with the help of God’s grace and with the aid of the Holy Spirit to strive constantly for the perfect love of God and to bring to completion the good work begun in her.

Provincial Superior of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny, Sister Juliana Alexander, commenced the Mass by quoting The Mother General and Foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny, Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey, as she stated, “So you have sent our dear daughters to Trinidad, God grant that it may be for His glory! […] We are now told that we must prepare Sisters to go to Barbados; we will do so when you wish it”. 

Then she added, “History is being written today in our Church as we begin Holy Mass.”

During the service, Sister Cheryl made forever vows of obedience, chastity and poverty in the congregation and according to the constitutions of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny. She signed the documents of her profession and received the ring from the Bishop who proclaimed, “Sister Cheryl you are now a member of the congregation, forever united with us in seeking together the will of God so as to spend ourselves in the service of the Church.”


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