St. Alphonsus de Liguori, giving advice to a priest on how to help young man
in choosing a state of life, also mentions these two elements:
Let the
confessor test well the vocation of his penitent, asking whether the penitent
has some obstacle to it, due to incapacity, poor health, or the need of his
parents. And let him especially weigh his purpose, to see if it is right, i.e.,
in order to unite himself more closely to God, or to amend the falls of his
previous life, or to avoid the dangers of the world. But if the primary end is
worldly—in order to lead a more agreeable life, or to free himself from
relatives of an unfeeling character, or to please his parents, who push him to
this—let him beware of permitting him to enter religious life. For in that case,
it is not a true vocation, and entering in this way, without a true vocation,
will have a bad outcome. But if the end is good, and no obstacle is present,
then neither the confessor, nor anyone else, as St. Thomas teaches, (Quodlib. 3,
art. 14), should or can without grave fault impede him, or attempt to dissuade
him from the vocation.
The contemplative life in Rosary Monastery
Supplements - 50th Anniversary of T&T Independence Saturday, 01 September 2012 21:21 Interview with Sr Ann Bradshaw Sr Ann Bradshaw Rosary Monastery Sr Ann Bradshaw, Dominican contemplative nun and present Prioress of Holy Rosary Monastery, St Ann’s entered Holy Rosary Monastery on May 5, 1962, at a pivotal moment in history, about four months before Trinidad and Tobago gained its Independence from Great Britain on August 31, 1962 and about five months before Vatican Council II began on October 11, 1962. In this jubilee year of her entrance, she shares with us the readers of Catholic News some of the significant experiences of the past 50 years in the history of our nation and local Church and in addition what Rosary Monastery contributes to our local Catholic Culture and Identity. It is helpful to remember where we have come from as a people so that armed with some historical context we can engage more fully in...