The Solemn Profession of fr Nicholas Crowe, OP.
On Sunday 16th September in the church of the Priory of the Holy Spirit, Oxford, during Mass, Brother Nicholas Crowe made solemn profession, consecrating himself to God and committing himself ‘until death’ to follow Christ in the way of life laid out by St Dominic and enshrined in our constitutions, as a friar preacher. Nicholas chose to add ‘Paul’ as a religious name, after the great apostle whose writings St Dominic carried around with him. We were joined by Nicholas’ family and many of his friends. After the church celebration, we continued to celebrate in the refectory, enjoying food and drink and especially everyone’s good company, love and conversation.

Nicholas has done a lot of work with young people, including a key role in establishing a weekly theology discussion group for young people (also including food, prayer and fraternity) and an annual theology summer school. Many of the young people he has worked with were present. It seems appropriate to let them speak for themselves of their impressions of his solemn profession.

"I was struck by the simplicity of the rite, as simple as Peter’s confession of faith in the day’s Gospel: ‘You are the Christ.’" (Daniel)

"Watching Brother Nick’s prostration, lying flat on his front, arms outstretched, before the Prior Provincial John Farrell and before Christ on the crucifix, I was struck by such a profound physical expression of humility, faith and sacrifice. As the Provincial said in his sermon, it expresses a laying down of his life. It was indeed a very solemn moment; and yet it was also a rising up, a joyful moment of commitment to the service and love of Christ, and to a wonderful community of Dominican brothers." (Theresa)


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