Praises for Fr. Neil Rodriguez C.S.Sp.

Fr Neil and his sister Sr Ann Marie
Fr Neil and his sister Sr Ann Marie
As Fr Neil Rodriguez C.S.Sp. celebrates his golden anniversary of priestly ordination, his commitment and dedication to the Church both locally and internationally has not gone unnoticed. Hundreds of persons whose lives were touched by Fr Neil gathered for Holy Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Church on Saturday, June 30, to celebrate 50 years since his ordination to the priesthood. He was chief celebrant assisted by Deacon Kester De Verteuil and Frs Michael Makhan, Clifford Graham, John Theodore, Dexter Brereton and Ferdinand Warner were concelebrants.
The jubilarian with members of varous Family Life ministries.
The jubilarian with members of varous Family Life ministries.


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