Reflections of a Great Week

As we come to the end of this week the word world-wind seems to be buzzing about in my mind. Why so you may ask? This week was a world-wind week because of four events for us here at Dominican Vocation Trinbago. These four which show of the mercy and grace of God, were as follows:

Firstly, the arrival of the Irish Dominican Provinical Vocation Director, fr. Gerard Dunne OP. This visit by Gerard for us was like a booster shout in our arms. Gerard's served as a source of inspiration for us here in Trinidad and Tobago as we seek to encourage vocation to the Dominican way of life. We pray God's riches blessings on him and the great work he is doing for Dominican Vocations in Ireland.  Thank you, Gerard.

The second event was the solemn profession of Bro. Matthew Martinez. Bro. Matthew join our order here some four years ago and it was great to see him take final vows. We continue in our prayers  for Matthew as he journeys on in his studies towards the priesthood in Ireland. God bless you Matthew and thanks for say yes.

Thirdly, leaving our shores for the Novitiate in Ireland were Christphe Cole and Sean Crepin. Christphe and Sean we thank you for making this step and we pray that God would best this work that he has begun in you. You are in our prayers.

Last but not least we say goodbye to our fist year student Bro. Steven Jones. Steven we pray that God would be you in your studies.  

We here at Dominican Vocation Trinbago bless God and Thank God for the mercies we received this week.

                                               Gerard Dunne and Sean Crepin at the Airport 

                                                      Sean, Ali, Mummy Cole an Gerard                    

                                                     Mirick, Gerard, Sean and Christophe

                                                        Christophe Cole and Mother

                                                                                                                 Christophe with baby friend


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