September 18
St. Juan Macias
Friar and Religious

Juan Marcias was born at Ribera in Estramadura, Spain, in 1585 of a noble but impoverished family. Orphaned in early childhood, Juan worked as a shepherd for his relatives, an occupation which provided him time for prayer. Inspired by a vision he left his native country and set sail for the Americas, arriving finally in Lima, Peru, where for a time he tended the sheep of a wealhty Spaniard. In 1623 he decided to enter the Order of Preachers at the priory of Saint Mary Magdalene in Lima, where he served as porter for twenty-two years. Like his friend Saint Martin de Porres, he was known for his love and care for the poor and for his special devotion to the Rosary. He died on September 16, 1645.


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