Twenty Ordination to the Premanent Diaconate

Historical Ordination of 20 men as Permanent Deacons took place at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Port of Spain Trinidad yesterday by Archbishop Edward Gilbert. The Archbishop in his homily saw this as the Church in Trinidad coming in its fullness as a Church here in the Caribbean.

Deacon Paul Bousignac makes his promise of obedience to Archbishop Gilbert.

Some deacons prostrating

Lays of hands on the head of Deacon Casimir Reid form Delaford Tobago.

Deacon Kenneth Phillips from Scarborough Tobago receive laying of hands by the Archbishop.

Hands laid on Deacon Jeffrey Supersad who would work out of our Dominican parish in St. Joseph Trinidad. He was the lone deacon to take the promise of celibacy.

Rev. Bousignac receives the book of Gospel.

Rev. Reid receives the book of Gospels.

The four Cleric of Tobago. From the left Rev. Kenneth Phillips, Fr. Dwight Black O.P. Fr. Steve Duncan and Rev. Casimir Reid all born and breed in Tobago.

My prayers go out to all twenty Deacons.


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