
Showing posts from July, 2012

Young Women Flock to Catholic Order


Congrats to Jesse Maingot he Wears the Dominican Habit

 Jesse Maingot The Dominican Order of the Irish Vicariate of Trinidad and Tobago is happy today of the news of Mr. Jesse Maingot acceptance to the Dominican Noviciate in Ireland.  Jesse is twenty six year old of Petit Valley, Trinidad. These are some of his accomplishments thus far: Volunteer at Roman Catholic Church, International Admissions, Marketing and Recruitment Assistant at York University,  Researcher at Direct Energy Consulting Education York University - Joseph E. Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies. We thank God for the gift of Jesse to our Order. Since if God does not build invain does the builder build. To know more about Jesse check out his testimony on youtube below.

Jesse Maingot Testimony


3) New Dominican Novices (seminarians) :: Church of St. Joseph in Greenwich Village & The Catholic Center at NYU (New York, NY)

3) New Dominican Novices (seminarians) :: Church of St. Joseph in Greenwich Village & The Catholic Center at NYU (New York, NY)

Thinking about religious life?

This is a vedio clip of some seminarian from Trinidad and Tobago.

Thoughts of a Seminarian

Kenwyn Sylvester   The scandals of Catholic priests being involved in pedophilia and sexual activities with women have rocked the Church hard within the last 15 years and we are yet to recover from the repercussions. But in the midst of it all, young men around the world, especially on the African continent, are still considering the priesthood and are entering seminaries, in spite of the negativity associated with this Catholic clerical life. One young man sat with Katolic Konvois to share his journey of becoming a seminarian. Meet 25 year old Kenwyn Sylvester who hails Claxton Bay, which can be considered south-central Trinidad. He just completed his first year of studies at the Seminario Pontifico Santo Tomas de Aquino (Pontifica seminary of St Thomas Aquinas) in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic for the Archdiocese of Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. Due to a lack of seminarians for the diocesan priesthood in the Caribbean, candidates are now sent to the Dominica...

Dominicos en Puerto Rico - Seminario Dominico

This is a flash back to Fr. Ferdinand Warnner OP and Fr. Carlyle Fortune as they were studing for the priesthood in Puerto Rico.

How To Pray the Rosary


Why Become a Priest? Powerful Reasons, Great Answers!


To Be A Priest
