
Showing posts from June, 2012

Pope gives pallium to 43 new archbishops: "The Church is not a community...

Congrats to our own Archbishop Joesph Harris, Shown in this vedio clip.

Sandra Schneiders


Today is the Memorial of St. Irenaeus

St. Irenaeus "The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and strength, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of God came down upon the Lord, and the Lord in turn gave this Spirit to his Church, sending the Advocate from heaven into all the world…” These are the words of Saint Irenaeus in, ‘The sending of the Holy Spirit,’ on his treatise Against Heresies. This working of the Holy Spirit which he held very dear to him.  Saint Irenaeus was an early Church Father of the 2nd century A.D. He was mentored by Saint Polycarp, himself a disciple of Saint John the Evangelist. Saint Irenaeus became Bishop of Lyons and fulfilled his calling as a prolific writer. Most notably, he defended the faith against the intellectual imperialism of the Gnostics; refuting their claims by defining truth as available to all. He said truth is public, unifying, and pneumatic (permeating). Additionally, Saint Irenaeus helped identify the canon of scripture and the creed. ...

Hans Kung


The Formation of Brothers

SECOND SECTION ON THE FORMATION OF THE BRETHREN Chapter VI ON COMMON PRINCIPLES 154. Following the requirements of our legislation and of our Ratio Formationis Generalis, formation should aim at this, that beginners are led gradually to the fullness of the life and apostolate which are proper to the Order. 155. To engage in formation profitably, on the part of the candidate the following qualifications are required: physical health, psychological maturity proportionate to his age, suitability for social life, a consistently sound Christian life, aptitude, the right intention, and the free will of consecrating himself to God and the Church in the Dominican way of life. 156. Primary responsibility for his own formation lies with the candidate himself, in free cooperation with the grace of a divine vocation, and under the guidance of masters and of other assistants. 157. The brethren who are suitably chosen and carefully prepared are to be placed in charge of formation. Several can collab...

Archbishop: Build the habit of prayer in your lives

“This world [and] our nation would only change when each one of us begins to live the values of the kingdom - justice, peace, love, harmony. When we begin to live these values in our homes, in our workplaces, in our places of recreation, then the kingdom begins to come into being.” This was the teaching put forward to members of the local arm of the Global Apostleship of Prayer by Archbishop Joseph Harris, chief celebrant at the group’s annual Mass and rally last Sunday at Our Lady of Fatima Church, Curepe. He noted, “Since not one of us is perfect, all of us [will] take time before we can begin to live the values of the kingdom. It is something we have to be working at day after day.” Therefore, “we can either facilitate the coming of the kingdom by the speed with which we begin to make the values of the kingdom the habits by which we live, or we can be obstacles to the coming the kingdom by [our] refusal to make the values of the kingdom the habits by which we live”. Archbishop Harr...

Church call on Gov’t to look again at Gender policy - No to abortion, same sex unions

The Roman Catholic Church in Trinidad and Tobago is urging the People’s Partnership government to look again at its draft Gender Policy and excise any clauses that impinge on the sanctity of all life. A release from the Catholic Commission of Social Justice (CCSJ) and Vicar General Msgr Robert Llanos, identified three specific areas of concern. They are -: re-definition of the term ‘gender’; legalised abortion and same sex unions. “The Catholic Church rejects any attempt to redefine ‘gender’ which, as the Holy See stated at a UN meeting in March 2011, ‘asserts that sexual identity can somehow be adapted indefinitely to suit new and different purposes, not recognised in international law.’”  Addressing abortion, the release stated, “We reject any attempts to legalise abortion in Trinidad and Tobago. We believe human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. The inalienable right to life of every innocent human individual is a constitutive eleme...

Happiness and the monastic life


Bridge to God

If you want ot build a bridge to God, you must also build bridges with the peoplein you life-friends and foes included. You cannot obtain one without the other. Push yourself to make peace with people today.

Trini Brothers in International Eucharistic Congress

Bro. Matthew Martinez OP, Bro. Christophe Cole, Bro. Sean Crepin. This caption was taken when the brothers attened the 50th International Eucharistic Congress. This congress was also attened by pilgrims from Trinidad and Tobago.

CREDItable Conversations- Prog 1- The Origin of Catholic Moral Understan...


Archbishop Plays the National Instrument

The Archbishop of Port of Spain, Trinidad Joseph Everad Harris playing the national musical instrument of Trinidad and Tobago. This musical instrument is the only instrument to be invented in the twentieth century. In the picture above, His Grace is seen playing a musical piece with young people of the Archdiocese in its family day on Sunday 10th June, 2012. If music be the friut of life play on.

Flourishing Dominican Vocations from the Philippines

The Dominican vocation continues to flourish in the Philippines with a good number of young men entering the Order by making their first profession of religious vows, some renewing their vows while some others are making their final commitment by making solemn profession. These are certainly signs of a bright future for the Order in the Philippines. First Profession of Vows Ten brothers made their first profession on May 8, 2012 at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Manaoag in Pangasinan. The new student-brothers are: Bros. Reginald Zamora, Asanka Melroy Adikari Arachige Don, Ariel Adolfo, Rambang Ngawan, Jay Quisay, Jayno Jabonillo, Gerard Advincula, Jaymar Capalaran, Niño Peñaredondo and Jose Laureano de Jesus. After their profession, they moved to the Dominican Studentate at Quezon City, where they will continue their formation in religious life and also pursue their studies for priestly ordination. The rite of profession was integrated in the Eucharistic Celebrati...

New Provincial

New Provincal Fr. Gregory Carroll OP On Friday 8th June 2012, the elective chapter of the Irish Province of the Dominican Order elected Fr.Gregory Carroll OP as its provincal. Fr. Carroll spent close to tewnty years here in Trinidad and was a popular member of the Dominican community in Arima. We say congratulations to him and pray that God gives him the health and the strength needed to carry out this important task. God bless you Fr. Gregory Carroll OP.